Why do dental implants cost so much?
How can I afford them?
Dental implants are NOT expensive, when one evaluates the return for the investment and the long range benefits that come from having secure, functional, attractive teeth and a winning smile. Unlike all the rest of the human body, the virtual \"youth\" of dentition can be preserved by dental specialists right on up through the age of a hundred. For some who prioritize dental health, the concept of eating well until death is an significant motivation to implant treatment.
Dental implants are a costly treatment to provide for a number of reasons. First, an entire team of highly skilled professionals are necessary in order to deliver the most perfect result that we can for each individual. With the exception of meticulous sterile detail and attentive, thorough home care instructions, there is nothing routine about dental implant treatment. Each patient receives a highly customized treatment plan that takes into consideration their overall health needs in conjunction with the esthetic and functional requirement to achieve a long-lasting smile.
The doctors and staff administering implant treatment commit a great deal more time to the procedure than the patient does. The prosthodontist will intensely study the patient's diagnostic and health profile, and will engineer a custom plan to meet the patient\'s distinct needs. Behind the scenes, surgical staff and laboratory support perform dozens of labor intensive steps to produce the result. The time of many professionals blends to insure success.
Secondly, the materials used to build implant prosthodontics are costly themselves. To obtain comprehensive diagnostics, special radiographic assessments are required using panradiography and cephalometrics. CT scans may also be indicated. The titanium implants and the highly technical computers used by the doctor to place them in the mouth are extremely costly. In addition, the prostheses, both interim and the final version, contain precious and semi-precious metals, and are fused with porcelain that must be artistically applied by careful technicians.
Finally, some patients require bone grafting, sleep sedation anesthesia or genetically enhanced accelerated healing procedures that add to the bottom line cost of the treatment plan.
We have been able to provide comprehensive dental implant treatment to patients of every income level. Our patient relations director has nearly twenty years of experience in arranging funding for even the most extensive and sophisticated treatment. For some, a home equity loan is a good solution. Others forego a new automobile or a family vacation in lieu of a longer lasting benefit. Finally, in many cases, a treatment program can be broken into several phases, accomplishing the more serious needs first. It is not unusual to design a plan that is delivered and paid for over a period of several years.